пятница, 27 мая 2016 г.

5 Rules Of How To Make Successful Your "Home Business"

5 rules of how to make successful your home business1.jpg

There are very much articles on this themeIn the internet. They all are very large, finishing reading to the end, it is sometimes necessary to climb upstairs, to remember what was at the beginning)))
My article is very simple, but on occasion, as it seems tome, very necessary)))
And the main, that the article gives to understand that we must... but not to try to find an answer in customers)))

Step 1. Passion.
Passion conducts people, it must examine with x-rays through all your works. Passion holds us, when already nothing can manage. You must not simply do your works - the fire of passion must burn to the beautyin you! In fact you so like to do something with your own hands, that simply can not stop - whatever betide.
If you will not have passion for that you do, do not make it not for sale. Without passion you will surrender very quickly. You will do your commodity in a bad quality and very soon will begin to hate that, and will simply be unhappy. And it all will affect your works. Do everything with passion or do not try to sell it, because successful domestic business is simply impossible to create without passion.

Step 2. Quality.
Not simply good value, but the best. Constantly improve it from a thing to the thing, and your customers will estimate quality and will pay more. Certainly, they will have a desire to buy cheaper, but one time disappointed, they will buy quality next time. It can firstly cost expensive to you, but the produced reputation as a result will bring a more benefit to you. If you want to base your business on a long term, reputation - is everything. And soon products with your name will grow to itself a price. Nothing will interrupt quality.

Step 3. Uniqueness.
You are unique personality, and your things must carry in itself a part of your individuality. Study works of the best masters in your area, and you will understand how to produce the style. Never do in exactness that is done by the other. But do not try to create your style by making strange things - most people do not like to look foolishly. Simply add your own stroke, or other color, do things darker or lighter etc.
Are you a happy human? Or captious? What part of yourself do you want to reflect in your works? Find a method to tell people about your work. Create your own unique successful domestic business.

Step 4. Purposefulness.
Research, research, while you will not understand your aim at the market. It is the most difficult step, but when you will find the clients, you will save the great number of forces and time. People, that are not interested in what you do, will not come to buy. Millions of people buy and sell on Ebay (on-line-auction - note of translator.), and you can lay out the commodity theretoo. But not distress, if you will not find nothing of the kind there, very many things are better offlinefor sale. You can use internet-auctions as marketing instrument - they perfectly befit in an order to find out a situation and as a result to get the best price for your thing.
Marketing of sale research is a wonderful instrument of development of business. Even your nearest surroundings, maybe, very much possibility have for your expansion. A teleologism does sales far more effective

Step 5. Persistence.
Be persistent. If you passed the first 4 steps, persistence itself will justify. Always advance, study your handicraft, here passion will help you, and continue to extend your list of clients.
Do not be afraid of refuses. Study them, draw conclusion and move farther. That is why passion is so useful - if it decreases and then a persistence decreases. Without the persistence of selling at your wares will be very small.
Now that you have all, what you need for development of own domestic business - passion, quality, aims and persistence - it is possible bravely to begin to count money from the sales of your wares!

Good luck and success!

Picture by Estrina`s User Tatjana Miroshnik
Title by Estrina
See more at: http://estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/60

#handmade #jewelry #ручнаяработа #estrina #earrings #bracelet #necklace #craft #crochet #knitting #sewing #etsy #art #homemade #baby #doll #toys #kids #hobby #рукоделие #хобби

среда, 25 мая 2016 г.

Присоединяйтесь к миру талантливых людей

Сейчас, большая часть производства автоматизированы, необыкновенное значение получают вещи, изготовленные вручную. Изделия ручной работы по определению не имеют возможности стоить недорого.

Время от времени обыденные стандартные вещи имеют все шансы быть изготовленные вручную. Чтобы Вас не обманули, стоит держать в голове следующею информацию.

Такие изделия не продаются в обыденных торговых центрах. Самый простой вариант их отыскать в специальных отделах или в интернет магазинах, например на этом сайтеestrina.com.

Ручная работа – неповторима. Вещи, с однообразным дизайном, все равно будут выделяться.Вещи, изготовленные вручную, имеют все шансы иметь некие выпуклости, потертости и так далее
Ручная работа не имеет возможности стоить недорого. Вручную делается фактически все: посуда, одежка, книжки, канцтовары, открытки, фото рамки, картины и прочее.

Стоимость этих продуктов находится в зависимости от цены материалов, также трудности личной работы (которую непрофессиональным взором иногда тяжело найти).

Вроде бы данное ни пафосно звучало, хотя продукты, изготовленные вручную, владеют особенной теплой энергетикой, их хорошо брать в руки либо просто прикасаться.

Почти все неповторимые вещи возможно устроить и лично в хозяйственных критериях.

Когда вы исключительно начинаете собственный творческий путь, не замахивайтесь на довольно трудные планы: гораздо лучше создать легкую вещь, но хорошо, нежели трудную – с огрехами.

Сейчас в интернете возможно отыскать массу восхитительных идей, с инструкциями и фото. А если Вы захотите продать, или показать всиму миру свою ручную работу, то можно воспользоваться, функцией Хендмейд — бесплатная публикация на сайте estrina.com

#handmade #ручнаяработа #handcrafted #homemade#madewithlove #smallbusiness #forsale #sellonline #estrina#onlineseller #etsy #startup #etsyshop #хендмейд #рукоделие#хобби #своимируками #hobby

вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

Natural Elegance: Handmade Refined Wedding Jewelries and Accessories


Special days require special celebrations and significant events like summer weddings obviously require more than that. The exceptional moments for every bride-to-be, the classy designer accessories of both the groom and the bride and the sensational wedding dress of the bride – simply cherishing memories of every wedded couple.
Weddings are the integral part of every girl’s life and when the momentous day is celebrated in the most unusual way, every girl’s dream comes true. Her anticipations, her fantasies, her ambitions and her visualizations turn into a pleasing reality. So on this special day, when the bride desires for glamorous jewelries and stunning wedding outfit, then why not endow her with something as unique as herself?
 Handmade jewelries and accessories are not only fashionably designed but they are exclusively available, with a varied collection ranging from nifty necklaces to gorgeous earrings, stylish brooches to exquisite pendants, trendy bangles and many more by authentic and talented designers. The handcrafted designs are so mesmerizing, that the bride is bound to fall for one of them.
 Every wedding day is incomplete without the attiring of the traditional jewelry which has been a heritage accessory of the family, passed on to from one legacy to another. But if the same ornament retains its antique value and at the same time receives a subtle remodeling of eleganthandcraft, then the entire jewelry earns an excellent outlook. The perfect blend of traditionalism and uniqueness in these handmade jewelries with a striking novelty which will certainly provide an enchanting appearance to the would-be bride.
 Enliven the summer wedding with a splendid wedding dress which can be a wonderful amalgamation of both strapless and sheath wedding dress design. The artistry can be precisely done homemade to give the dress an appealing and a remarkable look. The handmade jewelry simply adds to its beauty and elegance.
 The following handmade jewelries are an alluring collection of adornments which portray the brilliant example of unique homemade items, accessories and embellishments.
 the necklace by Anee Anee 

Be it pretty pendants or lovely neckpieces, handmade jewelries, especially necklaces are one of its kind. The heirloom quality remains back in the classic designs and the meticulous designs get depicted in a more stunning manner. There are an assorted variety of handmade necklaces like, “I love you to the moon and back” necklaces which are perfect for the would-be bride and other girls, who have a special person in their lives. Each and every handmade jewelry are created in a customized manner, giving each adornment a characteristic outlook, completely different from one another. The neckpieces will not only give the bride a magnificent appearance but will also flaunt her personality.

Wire Wrapped Artisan Jewelry "Butterfly" by Katerina Slivka

A shapely refashioning of the brooch that had once belonged to the grandmother will certainly add an enigmatic charm to the persona and outlook of the would-be bride. Wedding dresses are complimented elegantly with the touch of classic brooches and pins and these handmade brooches are excellent for such special moments. These intriguing conventional brooches and fastening clips are revised and handcrafted preciously into miniature enchanting chokers and ornamental pins which gives an appealing aura to the summer wedding dress of the bride.

Blue Filigree Earrings by Elena Borovitskaya

An exquisite way to add a touch of enigma with these handmade earrings which has a distinct air of ethnicity. Give a redefining change to those vintage designed earrings which belonged to the old times of the family, by meticulously hand-crafting them in an interesting way. Be it the addition of precious stones or gems, or the tweaking of the wires or loops, those classic earrings will surely receive a stark makeover after the hand-crafting is done properly. Cherish the wedding day with these handmade earrings which are not only enthralling but graceful as well.

Silver Ring With Natural Ooal Stone by Al'ona Shmatova

Acquire intriguing handmade rings for the special day, which are designed in the most artistic ways, thus making each of them different from one another. These homemade rings have a classy look and are adorned with precious stones, gems and white pearls. The dexterous artwork on the handmade rings add to the ultimate finesse, making them ideal for attiring on the wedding day.

Pearls are regarded an excellent beads which often brighten up the beauty and charm of the bride. The perfect accessory for handmade jewelries and adornments.
Welcome an artist to our project Estrina.com Posting FREE!

by Estrina Kaas
- See more at: http://estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/59

воскресенье, 22 мая 2016 г.

Как заработать на своем хобби?

Сегодня многое комфортно делать прямо через интернет. Данное стремительно набирает обороты, и помогает сохранять свое время. За границей теснее присутствует немного сайтов для реализации продуктов ручной работы.

Все знают большие площадки для продажи хендмейда. Местные типа Ярмарка мастеров, где ограничиваются только в пределах нашей страны и стран СНГ. Ну и конечно забугорные сайты, вроде германской Dawanda, либо южноамериканского Etsy. Освоив эти площадки вы можете стать очень успешными продавцами своих изделий, однако придется не мало потратить времени и средств на раскрутку своего магазинчика (среди такого огромного кол-ва работ и пользователей, вы просто потеряетесь!) и что не мало важно, грабительский процент от продажи или абонементская плата за содержание аккаунта. Что же делать?

Есть маленькие сайты подобных гигантов, которые тоже бьются за каждого мастера и не допускают монополизаций. Один из таких сайтов это Estrina.com

Здесь можно выкладывать любые произведения сделанные своими руками. Вы сами определяете стоимость своих работ, сами определяете стоимость доставки своих работ. А покупатель лишь находит, что ему нужно, приобретает. Вам лишь остается выслать свой продукт.

Есть раздел, где мастера делятся своими расходными материалами. Согласитесь, это тоже не мало важно. К примеру, пользователь из Индии готов поделится своими материалами и как же хорошо приобрести что-то, из первых рук и по хорошей цене :)

Что еще интересного, так это можно выставить на продажу антикварные изделия. Старинный фарфор, интересные резные часы, старинная посуда, ткани и многое другое. Кто из нас не любит пошататься по "блошинным" рынкам :)))

Превосходством данного проекта Estrina.com считается то, что все публикации бесплатные, нет процентов от продаж, нет ежемесячных платежей и прочего.
И что еще не мало важно, все что публикуется на сайте, все дублируется в лентах всех популярных соц. сетей. Это колоссальный охват аудитории.

На сайте есть свой Блог, где каждый пользователь имеет возможность разместить свою статью на любую тему. Будь-то описание продукта, описание его магазинчика или просто мастер класс. Все это также размещается в соц. сетях, что приносит большую популярность мастеру и его изделиям.

Всех приглашаем на сайт www.estrina.com

PS. Кукла от мастера Tatiana Mishchenko с её работами можно ознакомится здесь:

#style #fashion #handmade #handcrafted #giftideas #seller #onlineseller #sellonline #sellhandmade #love #estrina #madewithlove #doll #tilda #tildaddolls #toy #кукла #ручнаяработа #хендмейд #тильда #подарок #сердце

суббота, 21 мая 2016 г.

Уникальные подарки сделанные своими руками

Неповторимые свойства всюду имеют место быть. Этими чертами сможет владеть полностью все и вся: человек, вещи и т.п. Человек имеет возможность иметь неповторимый навык, достояние познаний, генетическую программу, особый нрав.

Подарки обязаны быть необыкновенными и внезапными, иначе говоря — неповторимыми. Купив, неповторимый подарок ручной работы, вы отличитесь из массы людей и заслужите не плохое мировоззрение для себя.

Обыденным подарком считаются деньги. Их даруют неограниченное количество жителей нашей планеты, а отчего? Ответ несложен — деньги не настоятельно просят сложного выбора; не нужно ходить по торговым центрам либо листать вкладки в интернете и подбирать сюрприз…

Подарок должен быть неподражаемым?

Очень хорошо подходят вещи внутреннего убранства (вазы, плетенки, коробки, часы, шкатулки ручной работы);
Игрушки. Малыш избирает грядущую профессию с юношества;
Бусы, колье, браслеты, броши. Иначе говоря — декорации;
Открытки к праздничкам.

Данный перечень возможно продолжать целую вечность. Неотклонимый момент уникальности — ручное творение продукта. Конкретно эта продукции и славится большущим спросом у клиентов!

Легче всего такой подарок приобрести через интернет, вот например хороший интернет магазин ручной работы estrina.com где Вы сможете без труда заказать уникальные подарки ручной работы.


#style #fashion #handmade #handcrafted #giftideas #jewelry #necklace #Boho #lariant #heart #love#estrina #madewithlove #chain #birthstone #swarovski #crystal #ruby #pearls #хендмейд #бижутерия#рубин #кулон #подарок #сердце

пятница, 20 мая 2016 г.

Уникальные подарки ручной работы

Как же мы любим получать подарки!! Малыш Вы либо совершеннолетний приличный человек, Вам так же не чуждо ребяческая радость при виде необычного сюрприза. Любой человек не имеет возможности скрыть ухмылки при виде подарка, а в случае если данный подарок сделан руками человека, который вбухивал особый толк в существо данной неповторимой вещицы — эти презенты ручной работы значимы втройне.

Время от времени исключительно немудрёная вещь может произвести реальный фурор эмоций. Станет данное малюсенькое сердце, которые Вы сделали сами и украсили различными стразами по своему вкусу, либо искусственного происхождения бонсай, сделанный из дерева (сухостоя), быть может данное станет уникальная креативная, но в тоже время необычная заколка для волос, коя будет безупречным добавлением к Вашей роскошной стрижке — данное изготовлено именно для Вас, с любовью и со вкусом.

Презенты из дерева, сплава либо стекла, все также увенчанные стразами, вкрапленные искусственными камнями.

Такие сувениры практически постоянно молвят о прекрасном вкусе и уникальном образе жизни вручителя.

Подарки сделанные вручную — самые наилучшие и оригинальные. В интернет-магазине уникальные подарки ручной работы estrina.com. У вас появится возможность отыскать не только лишь уникальные и необыкновенные вещи ручной работы, но и собрать чего-нибудь этакое, необыкновенно увлекательное для себе.  У вас появится возможность узреть воистину неповторимые вещи, которые возможно преподнести к хоть какому празднеству.

#style #fashion #handmade #handcrafted #giftideas #jewelry #necklace #Boho #lariant #heart #love #estrina #madewithlove #chain #birthstone #swarovski #crystal #ruby #pearls #хендмейд #бижутерия #рубин #кулон #подарок #сердце

четверг, 19 мая 2016 г.

How I Became An Artist


So it turned out that after many years of corporate life I became... an artist.

I did not present before, that it would become another my profession and engaged in distant from drawing businesses - wrote the articles, worked in quality business-trainer, leader of projects and commands, made movies, organized and conducted measures and charity projects, and other great deal...
My work was creative always and almost always was corporate.
About 7-10 years ago I bought to myself child's box of paints, to try. And on a weekend began little by little to draw. Tried different techniques - drew on a canvas, paper, on t-shirts, on furniture, on umbrellas, on bags (most exotic now is a car). And when timecame again to choose, into what side to go out - in a corporation or in clean work –I chose paints and brushes. Clear that my office and dress-code became quite different.
I did not sell the works before. And after my cardinal decision approximately through 2 month was sold first. It was very exciting. Will of fates I began to draw on fir-tree marbles (appeared, that this is a rare ability, but I did not simply know then). There was no confidence in myself, as in an artist. And suddenly appeared, that people like my works.
05.jpg05 (2).jpg
After marbles I began to master painting small boxes, in passing wrote pictures, a bit painted a clothing, umbrellas, clock. This is one of my first-ever small boxes.  Now lives in Switzerland.
At the same time I began to master another new direction - creation of ties-butterflies from a skin. And now I move from drawing to the skin and back, and sometimes I combine it :)
Now many of my works flew away on different houses and even countries. Soviet to it. I often expend ten hours on one work. And I want very much, that it brought gladness to the that house and to that human that will get it.  I love interesting orders, and you always can appeal to me on this occasion. :)
All of it and other great deal you can see here: JaNArt:)
   Yours Julia Moshack.

See more at: http://estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/58

by JaNArt:)

суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.

Pleasant things to do during summer vacation

summer vacation.jpg

Summer holidays are coming! Plenty of time to enjoy something new and interesting! There is a multitude of handmade ideas that can bring a lot of positive emotions and make you stay in a creative mood and reveal happiness, energy and harmony.

Find out what to do during your vacation to have fun and earn money. Here are some tips to make some wonderful ideas come true.

1. Become an iconic jewelry artist! How to?
Necklace with agate
It is not so difficult to create handmade jewelry, especially because completely different materials can be used for manufacturing. You can use precious metals as well as wood, polymer clay, wool, wire and beads. The only thing you have to do is to decide what to create - unique handmade copper necklaces or pearl jewelry or something else. Imagination can help you greatly to find perfect combinations!

2. Try yourself in sewing or knitting! How to?
Istanbul Gobelin Case
If you are just beginning to sew and knit, be sure to start with beautiful, but not complex products, such as handmade dresses, scarves, pants, skirts, tunics, handmade decorative pillows and pillowcases, tablecloths. Or you can design awesome handmade handbags and purses that will definitely attract everyone’s attention. In Internet you can find many patterns of such products, or come up with your own future masterpieces.

3. Wooden carving! How to?
Wooden Comb By Karelian birch
All you need are carving tools and wood. You can cut wooden items in different styles, mimicking the characteristics of different cultures and creating, for example, wooden panels with authentic African mood or excellent handmade hair accessories “from Greece”. Along with the opportunity to create aesthetically beautiful wooden things, you get a chance to earn good money.

4. Painting! How to?
oil painting.jpg
Oil Painting Expectation
Free your imagination and get ready to create! If you have a crafting skill and are fond of drawing, this activity will definitely suit you most of all. Make sketches, draw paintings, create collages and sell your handmade crafts online!

Think about other activities that can interest you and start doing something wonderful. Find out various courses that can help you to get more information about this matter and improve your skills. Don’t be timid and just start doing something pleasant for you.

After you have chosen the most interesting handmade activity, find out proved online handmade marketplaces. Using them you can sell all your crafts very quickly and for a good price.

all pictures is real products by Estrina`s users

by Estrina Kaas
- See more at: http://www.estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/57

суббота, 7 мая 2016 г.

Package and Labels. Correct Marketing Rules


For many creative people that engage in the conduct of own business a question of packing of their handiwork is very actual! We decided to share out with you a very useful information about that, why packing of your wares is so important, and how to design it better.

We will begin with simple :)

You must admit that it is simple to put a jewelry or gingerbreads in a transparent package, for example, is not correct! In case with a decoration - at once feeling to the good will be corresponding, and with cakes - a warning can appear for a client: is it possible in general to eat this, if it is so improperly wrapped?
Every good needs packing! Interesting packing!
We will understand with a concept packing. What is it?
Package - is a face of handmade goods. The more original and beautiful a packing is, the more pleasant it will be to the client, the more chances that good will be bought! Remember that there is a festive packing - Christmas. And there are also seasonal - autumn, summer and others like that. Summer is possible to make more tender or even in marine style.
There are quite a bit methods to pack the things of handwork beautifully: small boxes, linen sacs, parcels. Forget about a plastic arts - in it the crap is packed! Choice of artists: texture cardboard, paper packages with beautiful prints, pack paper, beautiful prints on fabric or, vice versa - a "primitive" invoice of homespun, ribbons and decorative cords.
A separate moment is a Labels. It can be done in number of different ways: to unseal on a printer, sew from fabric and cross stitchingof the name, to create unique tallies from the plastic arts and paint it in special paints and other. You need the exclusive design of a tally - let it become a that "chip" on that customers"peck" at once
At registration of tallies and packing shallow details are very important and different sort of decorating: beads, brushes, bows, flowerets, small pictures on packing and others like that. Catching tallies is possible on a decorative cord, mouline, reed filament.
Sometimes tallies and separate elements of packing entrance no less, what works - in fact, ordering a thing, a human presents approximately, what he must get, and done withlovepresentation can become a pleasant surprise!

We will present now, that our good is packed and we need to send it in other city or even country. On what is it necessary to pay attention in here?
Do not forget about the additional packing! Before to put packing with good in a send box, wrap up it in a package (and better in airily-bubble tape), paper filler et cetera - so you will protect the product from the casual getting wetor breakage, and maybe even more serious blow. These charges need to be taken into account before!
By the way, about charges!
Creating the masterpieces, we first of all pursue an aim - to make a client happy by the good, and certainly, to earn money!
Here a next question can appear: "How much can I expend on packing of my handiwork?” .
It is important to remember that: it is unprofitably to buy separately packages and small boxes in shops for 5-10 things- it strikes with a force on a purse!  It will be not simply not advantageous, but “in minus" . And there is an exit :) To make packing independently, acquiring glue, scotch tape and cardboard or paper and to spend your own time. However, it is better to expend time on a development of anew good and create it, than two days a week to sit only above "gluing together and cutting away superfluous" .Therefore the most advantageous idea - isto buy packing wholesale by the internet!
In the studio of design and advertisement you will be able to order individual stickers from the logotype, tallies with the name of shop or label with description of commodity not very expensive: composition, care of it and others like that, on half-year forward!
So, a conclusion is: it is needed to remember that packing of wares is your instrument of sales and marketingin the whole!
It is needed to remember how can clientestimate the packing, he subconsciously analyses a packing cost and draws conclusion about quality of a handiwork. "The more expensive the packing is, the more qualitative products are"! - he think.
It is impossible not to say and that the development of packing reposes on four whales! It is packing material, name of product, color decision and advertisement support! It will be useful for you, if you will decide to think of and make packing for your handiworks.

We are sure that the article will find the lucky persons and will help you :)
Create with pleasure!
We wish you easy sales!
by Estrina. All pictures from the web.
- See more at: http://www.estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/56#sthash.fQKxJOSf.dpuf

Personalized Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend


There are many reasons why we give presents to our closest ones. On birthdays, special days like anniversaries and meaningful holidays. In any case, it is always a real pleasure to receive gifts - with or without any reason.

Finding a right gift can be very difficult and even stressful. It is good when you know all desires of that special someone, but what if she has everything already? What to do in this case? If you want to make your girlfriend the best gift in the world but not sure what to give, look through this guide. It will help you with the issue and will make it easier for you to choose the best present for your beloved one.

First of all, find out as much information as you can about her wishes. Remember all the things she mentions frequently, maybe that is exactly what she is dreaming about. If you don’t remember, ask her friends and relatives what kind of gift she might like.
If she is a very romantic person and you really want to make her feel special, try to do something above average. Best handmade gifts are that truly unique items that can make her smile and laugh. And that is what you need!

You can find lots of do-it-yourself projects and make something extremely meaningful especially for her. For example, a bottle filled with love quotes for each day of the year in which you say how strong your love is. But if you are lack of time different sites with cool homemade gifts can help.
If she is fond of jewelry, pay attention to handmade sterling silver jewelry, that can be really attractive. Charming handmade hair accessories with precious stones can also be an excellent gift.

Or maybe she is interested in art or in crafting? Then you are lucky! There are so many different items for handmade art, that it is very easy to choose the most intriguing and interesting. She might love all these colorful artworks, handmade candles, collections of hand painted bags, wood carvings… the list of suitable gifts is enormous!
You can find amazing handmade gifts on different online marketplaces. Some of these presents can be quite inexpensive, but able to satisfy her expectations. All in all, after receiving your gift she will understand that she is the most important person in your life.

All picture use from Estrina`s best crafters July Romanenko and Elena Borovitskaya
by Estrina Kaas
- See more at: http://www.estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/51#sthash.K0ye2XLn.dpuf

5 Tips To Be a Successful Craft Seller

5 Tips To Be a Successful Craft Seller3.jpg

If you are crazy about handicrafts, love to create something totally unique and unusual, or you are able to see the beauty and use it in your work – congratulations! You are a real handmade expert!
Let's see how to earn money from selling your handmade crafts online and really enjoy it.

1. Trying to sell handmade items online choose a reliable and profitable handmade marketplace where you can sell your goods without any risks. Usually this way is the most convenient, because it allows you to save money on rent and delivery of goods, also it makes hiring any workers unnecessary. In addition, selling online can enable you to spend time on creating new handmade masterpieces. You can try our marketplace ESTRINA.Register now!

2. Enormous variety of craft items to make and sell gives you vivid opportunities to create. There are thousands of things people are interested in, for example, in handmade jewellery. Plenty of people are fond of jewelry made of precious stones, silver and gold, even wood and polymer clay. If you think that creation precious items can bring you joy, there is one question left which you have to study – how to make handmade jewelry? Do not forget, that every work you undertake needs careful preparation.

3. Always create something you are proud of! Try to find people that are fond of your handmade crafts. Be passionate about your work! Make a team and try to come up with an attractive advertising campaign. By the way, if you are selling your handmade items via online marketplaces, this won’t be a problem. Usually these resources provide a strong advertising support.

4. Pay close attention to the quality of all the goods you have created. They should be made as carefully as possible, there should be no defects and damaged parts. This advice can help you to make the best selling handmade items!

5. Make sure, that you have published true photos of your handmade crafts. High-quality photos will help you to present your works in a favorable light and draw the customers’ attention to your handmade products.

Your one-of-a-kind handmade goods can bring you not only the endless pleasure of creating handmade products, but also a good income. Following these simple rules will transform your hobby in a life style. All in all, creating handmade goods can become your hallmark and make your name famous.
by estrina kaas
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- See more at: http://www.estrina.com/cat/Blog/id/49#sthash.sPvVdzKC.dpuf